So as I am adjusting to life in Rome there are a few things that I have found exceedingly fascinating. These thing may apply only to Romans or to many Italians or even on a broader scale to many Europeans but as I have only been here in Rome that is what we will talk about.
The food is amazing!…ok no, its true but you already knew that

The real number one is a warning, NEVER SIT AT THE TABLE! Here there exist service charges simply for sitting down in some places and if you are just ordering something small like un cornetto e cappuccino this sitting fee could be more than twice the price of what you ordered. You will notice when in Rome that Italians do not walk and eat, they stand. Unlike in America where we walk to our destination coffee cup in one hand sandwich in the other, Italians stand at the bar (what we would call a café) and eat, drink their little espresso then leave.
The second thing you should know is that what goes in must also come out and when it does you’ll see that the tank of the toilette is above your head. This isn’t really anything important but I found it amusing. Don’t waste time looking for a knob to flush, there is probably a button somewhere.
Thing number three: When you’re all done in the bathroom and you are walking to where ever it is you are headed and you find people staring, don’t be alarmed or angry. No, you do not have toilette paper on your shoe and your fly isn’t down. In Italy and possibly other parts of the world staring is not rude its more like a pastime. In the States I have my space and you have yours and we don’t invade that space even with looks from far away. Here in Rome I have learned from my Professor (a Roman) that staring shows interest it is a way of engagement of people and surroundings, don’t just randomly start a conversation with someone because now you are being weird.
This next one is for women…There exists a stereotype in Rome that foreign women are easy. Unfortunately there are women who go abroad and think “I’m only here for a short time, no one will even know” and have flings with the Italian men. Act as the Italian women do in the case of Italian men, when they yell out “ciao bella” just keep walking! Also, don’t find yourself at a bus stop with out male companions, apparently that is where women are “working” and I doubt you want someone coming up to you asking “how much?”
Numero cinque: The streets of Rome are for lack of better words orderly chaos. They have their system and you’ve gotta work with it. It will be very intimidating because Vespa, cars and busses are coming from everywhere at high speeds but if you start walking out into the street and shrink back the driver who has already calculated that at the pace you are walking he can make it right before or after you could be thrown off. Italians will tell you that the driving conditions make them good drivers paying attention, either way be confident but don’t push it. When in doubt follow the Italian across, they have been doing it much longer lol.
One for the men…if you ever come to Rome for a short period of time and think hitting on an Italian woman will work the way it does in the States, just give up now. Remember Italian men hit on women all the time so they are pretty much immune apparently. There is a process and just being a flirt won’t get you far.
The final cool thing you should know is that I found all this out and more after only three and a half weeks of being here! There is a great deal to see and learn in the city. The people, the places all have so much to offer and also things that are needed. I could most certainly write a list of negative things as well but the important thing in all of this to me is that after taking all these things in I have something to give back. I’m not sure what it is yet but I know those who take without ever giving back are gluttons of life and I will be back with stories of balanced living.
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