Lately I have found that there is so little I have to say...if you know me then you might find that a little unusual. I'm that person that when I learn something I want you to know it too. It excites me to share with others to learn and to teach but lately there is nothing I've been particularly excited about. We call this a slump...
The good thing about slumps though is that they give to the time to reflect and to maybe stop searching the outside and gather information about what's going on inside. Some people while talking extensively about the things they know never take a second to reveal very much information about themselves. I am one of those people. I would like to say that I use to be but the truth is even though I'm much more open than I was some years ago I still hate to talk about myself. I am certainly not saying to be some sort of narcissist and a little humility goes a long way but in a relationship whether it be friendship, familial or what have you never divulging things about who you really are, how you feel or simply what you like will become a stumbling block to any healthy relationship. As people earn your trust you have to show that you really do trust them. Anyone will tell you just how important communication is and that without being honest with the people around you and more importantly with yourself is only a set up for disaster. So while I haven't had much to say lately and these words are certainly nothing new they are my thoughts of the day. Take them in or leave them on the page, that is up to you.
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