Saturday, November 6, 2010


Around the world there are millions of people held in slavery, whether it be sexual slavery, adult forced labor or child labor. There are people who have been kidnapped and drugged day in and day out, intimidated and threatened in order that they might comply with the things being inflicted upon them. There are those who make the argument that one reason such slavery occurs is because the policing systems along with other government agencies in the places it occurs is so poor. While this assertion may be true to a large extent, how do we then address the fact that in the US alone an estimated number of 17,000 young women and girls are forced in to the organized sex industry each year. How do we as Americans explain the terrors of young girls and children being drugged prostituted against their will in our own country? Many of these girls are kidnapped from their neighborhoods and still even more either illegal immigrants or foreigners visiting America. Visit the site below to hear “Katya”s story as a Ukrainian foreign exchange student who as reported y MSNBC was kidnapped and trafficked.

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